Monday, December 5, 2011

around the world in 12 hours

Saying I love to travel might be a bit of an understatement. I really love it. I love seeing other countries and being able to experience ~ even if it's only for a few days ~ the way other people live. Food, culture,'s all fascinating to me. I created this clock as a way of having some of my pictures out on display instead of just in a scrapbook stuffed away in a closet, and it's one of my favorite things in my house!

The clock came with some vinyl numbers that are supposed to stick on the wall, but instead of using them I bought 12 frames and put pictures in them that I have taken around the world (I used 2 of the numbers for this project if you want to see what they look like). It's hard to tell with no frame of reference in this picture, but the clock is about 4 feet across.

Here's a close-up of each frame so you can see some of the places I've been. Sorry the pictures are a little dark. I always seem to remember to take pictures at night.

Big Ben, London

Tulum, Cancun

Yu Garden, Shanghai

a Maui sunset (do you see a face in the water, or is it just me?)

Tower Bridge, London

Prague Castle, Prague

Eiffel Tower, Paris

Temple of Heaven, Beijing

Colosseum, Rome

our resort in Cancun

Karlstejn Castle, a little bit outside of Prague

Grand Canal, Venice

This idea has some versatility too. You could do something similar in your child's room with a picture from each month of their first year... scrapbook paper instead of photos... different frames instead of 12 of the same one like I did... there are lots of different options!

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  1. What an awesome project! My mind is spinning with possibilities. Thanks for linking up~

  2. Thanks for linking up! What a GREAT idea! That sure does look like a lot of fun. My kids would love that!
    Lindsi from Toys In The Dryer

  3. I love this idea!! Thanks for sharing it.

  4. I'm totally doing this when I've got my own place again. I love the idea!

  5. What a fun idea! There are so many ways you would go with this! Thanks for sharing!
