Tuesday, February 7, 2012

rice heating pads

What do you do when it looks like this outside?
It had just started snowing and the snowflakes were HUGE, and after it came down like this all day there were several inches of it on the ground. Sounds like a good day to stay home and craft! And since it was so cold, my mind was on ways to try and stay warm.  

This is not a new idea, but it's something I made for the first time. My Valentine gets cold easily (we're the reverse of most couples when it comes to body temperature, I don't get cold that easily and he likes to keep the heat at 80), so for Valentine's Day I decided to make him some of those rice filled fleece heating pad things. I don't know what they're called, so that's my technical term :)
I wanted to make a few different sizes so they could be used for different purposes, and this is what I ended up with. I think the 2 bigger sizes would work well for taking to bed at night or just for having by your feet watching TV, and the 2 small ones are for coat pockets.

To give you an idea how big they are...

So basically, cut 2 pieces of fleece in whatever size you want and sew them together leaving an opening to turn it right side out. Use that opening to fill them with rice, and then stitch it shut! It's that easy, and I know he's going to love them on Valentine's Day!


  1. that's one way
    to keep busy!

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  2. Hey, I'm following you on Linky Followers now. Glad to have found your blog!

    :) Sarah @ Crafting and Creativity

  3. I LOVE these things in teh winter!! ;)

    Ok...explain the inky Followers thingy to me!! I have it but when I really looked into it today, I was confused!!

  4. So glad I found your blog. I'm now following on the new Linky tool. Follow back so we can stay connected with this great new tool. See you soon, Lori
