Monday, February 27, 2012

sleepover/party activities for kids

I recently got the cutest piece of mail I have ever received from my favorite little girl, my 6 year old niece Cressida.
I took the hint and planned another sleepover :)

One of the fun activities we did was a treasure hunt. I printed out some clues and attached them to cute cardstock using double sided tape, then just used some clear contact paper to "laminate" them. If you want something more permanent you would want to actually laminate them because contact paper comes off pretty easily, but for this purpose it worked great.

To start out I just told her a fairy had been there and handed her the first clue to read.

Starting with this one, I included some type of activity she had to do before she could get the next clue. In this case a dance because she loves to dance. It could be anything the child you're playing with enjoys doing.

I wasn't sure if she would get the song I was referring to (Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes), but she got it pretty fast. Little smarty pants.

If I was doing this with my own child the top part would have said "the next test is an easy one, you do it every day. A hug and a kiss for mommy will send you on your way!"

For this one I just used a clean and empty trash can and styrofoam balls. She loved it and we made a lot more than 3 baskets that night.
I'm sure you can figure out where each clue was hidden, but just in case it was the bathtub, the freezer, under my bed, the couch, and then the treasure was in the oven (turned off of course). The treasure was a little bucket filled with chocolate coins, ring pops, and candy jewelry.

Another thing I did was make some bingo cards. I just used Excel to make the grid and clip art for the pictures. Cressida's little brother Jackson was deciding if he wanted to come to the sleepover too, so I made this boy one for him using cars, trucks, airplanes, and motorcycles.

And this girl one was for Cressida. It has princesses, crowns, shoes, and castles.
We started with all of the individual pictures face down and turned them over one at a time, and we used candy to mark the squares. They're also printed on cardstock and covered in clear contact paper. You could easily customize these to fit the interests of your child. Don't forget (like I almost did) to make the 2 cards different. If they're the same both players will get bingo at the same time!

You know a sleepover is a success when the guest of honor cries when it's time to go home the next morning! 

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