Monday, March 19, 2012

spring mantel

I drink these in the morning
I always just threw the bottles away after I was done, but one day I looked at it and realized the shape was kind of cute. I took the plastic label off to see what it looked like underneath and was pleasantly surprised to find that it's not glued or attached to the bottle in any way. It's just kind of shrink wrapped on. I knew right away what I wanted to do with the bottles, so I started saving them. All I had to do was take the plastic wrap off and wash them out.

I used them as vases for these bright and cheery spring daisies. I bought a package of wooden letters, painted them Robbins Egg Blue, and glued them on. Easy as that!
I had originally planned to wrap yarn around the bottles, but after playing around with it for awhile I decided I liked the clean and bright look of the plain white better.

I knew my flower platter would be the perfect addition to my mantel, and I'm working on a little something to replace the Happy Easter that I think will work a little bit better. I'll show you that soon.
This mantel is my invitation for the snow from this weekend to melt so the weather outside will match the bright cheerfulness I have inside!

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