Monday, October 17, 2011

leaf wreath

Inspiration for this little project came from Thrifty Decor Chick, who I love. Seriously, take a few minutes ~ or hours ~ to explore her blog and you'll be hooked too. She made this wreath and I just love it.

So I decided to make one of my own. All I needed was some cardboard (I used the box from a case of chicken broth I bought at a case lot sale), some fake leaves I have used in various ways the last couple of years, and a glue gun. 
First I cut the box into a square. Mine is 14" with an 8" opening so the cardboard is 3" on each side.
(plus you get a shot of my toilet paper. Sometimes it pays to look around and see what's in the background of a picture you're taking...)

Then I just started gluing

This is how it turned out and I love it!

I wanted to hang it above my mantle on this wrought iron thing, so I just glued a bent paper clip to the back and hooked in on.
This wreath was easy and fun to make while I was watching TV one night, and the best part is it was free! I already had everything I needed. Gotta love that :)

Check back soon for pictures of the full mantle!

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  1. I loved her wreath too! Yours turned out super cute! I'm a new follower! I like how you hung it on the metal it looks great! I have a linky party that I will be posting tonight for tomorrow. Come link up if you want to!

    Hope to see you there!


  2. Looks great! I'm revealing my own door creation this Friday, hope you come by and see it. Thanks so much for linking up at Etcetorize~

  3. I love it! It looks so easy to make. It turned out beautiful!

  4. How did I miss this new blog?! I love it! Will be checking in here frequently for awesome ideas.
