Friday, October 14, 2011

Halloween plate

I love to decorate for fall, but I have never been a big Halloween fan so I don't have much in the way of decorations for that little non-holiday. I decided to add a little something this year and this is what I came up with.

All I had to buy was the piece of paper. I already had everything else! The only thing not pictured is black spray paint which I already had too.

First I spray painted the back side of the plate black

then Mod Podged the paper onto the front
I didn't take pictures of this part, but after it was dry I just flipped the plate over and used an exacto knife to cut the extra paper off. I also put a layer of Mod Podge on the back to seal the black paint so it wouldn't get chipped or scraped.

Then I just stuck the vinyl numbers on! I already had them from another project I will show you later. You can see in this picture why I painted the back of the plate. I cut the paper slightly smaller than the plate so the edges would be glued down all the way, so I wanted the black to show through instead of just the clear plate.

Fast, easy, fun, and inexpensive! What more can you ask for?

Happy Halloween!

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1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I'm going to have to try this, maybe for Christmas or Thanksgiving. (Since I already have a Halloween plate.) THanks for the tutorial!
    from Jill Made It
