Tuesday, October 11, 2011

ruffle bag

I saw this bag on Pinterest
and I knew I needed one like it. It was made by Bobbi Jo and you can find the tutorial on her blog here. Her tutorial is really good and easy to follow, so I won't repeat all the steps here. I did add a pocket for my phone and keys though, so I will show you how I did that.

I wanted a bag for fall and winter, so I chose corduroy for the outside and a cute paisley for the liner

For the extra pocket I added, I cut out 2 pieces of the liner fabric that were 10" by 5" and sewed them together leaving a space to turn it right side out.

After turning it right side out, I ironed it flat

and sewed it onto one side of the liner fabric (the 2 liner pieces have not been sewn together yet at this point) with one line down the middle.

Then I folded each side in about a 1/4 inch to meet the seam I had just sewn. This makes the pockets stick out a little bit instead of being flat against the side of the bag. To finish I just sewed down each side and across the bottom. The space I had left open to turn the pocket right side out was the bottom right corner in this picture, so it got sewn shut when I attached the whole thing to the liner.

This is how the inside looked when it was all done

I love how it turned out and it was really a very easy project, even for someone who pulled her sewing machine out of the closet for the first time in years to make it.

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  1. Nice work, Lindsay! I love it! There is something about Pinterest that brings out a persons creative side, don't you think? I can't wait to see your other projects.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry- the delete was me! I had commented as my husband- he was signed in and I didn't realize! :P I love how your bag turned out and the addition of pockets is awesome! Happy to have found you blog :)

  4. very nice, I also do handbags, visit my blog

  5. That is such a cute bag! And I love the colors you chose - that deep purple is my favorite for fall.

  6. That is absolutely gorgeous! I love the purples. Love it.
